win a St Peter's Brewery India Pale Ale Beer Kit!

Enter EBar’s photo contest for a chance to win a St Peter’s Brewery IPA Beer Kit each day of the Big Data LDN conference (20-21 September 2023)



To enter:

Take a photo showing your pint with the Big Data LDN exhibition in the background (you can be in the image too if you like!) then post the image to Instagram or Twitter and be sure to tag with #ebarwin


The image that EBar’s judges consider the most vibrant will win the prize.


We will DM the winner at 4pm each day of Big Data LDN with instructions on how to claim your prize on the day.


Terms & Conditions:

  • One winner will be chosen on each of 20 and 21 September 2023
  • Participants must be 18 years or older
  • To be eligible to claim the prize, the winning delegate must be in the venue and must present themselves in person (with proof of ID)
  • Prizes not claimed (by the winning entrant) within 1 hour of them being notified (via Instagram DM by EBar) will be forfeited
  • The judges’ decision is final
  • No alternative prize is offered
  • By entering the contest you consent to EBar sharing your image on its social channels